Published on Oct 29, 2013
Study: cesium from plant staying in forest soil
A team of Japanese researchers says most of the radioactive cesium that was released from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and fell on forest soil remains there.
Researchers at the government-affiliated Japan Atomic Energy Agency installed monitoring equipment in woods of northern Ibaraki Prefecture, near Fukushima Prefecture, in May 2011, 2 months after the accident. They hoped to learn how the cesium moved from fallen leaves to soil.
The results of more than 2 years of research show that rain washed cesium off leaves 6 months after the accident, and that as the leaves decomposed, it moved to the surface of underlying soil.
Govt. to study paying part of decontamination cost
A Japanese Cabinet minister has suggested the government should bear part of the costs for clearing radioactive substances from the area around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
The central and local governments are currently conducting decontamination work and charging the costs to the plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company.
But TEPCO has asked the government to cover some of the massive expenses. Government and governing party officials are discussing the utility's request.
TEPCO likely to post mid-year profit
Tokyo Electric Power Company is likely to post a profit in its midterm earnings report.
The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is expected to post about 1.1 billion dollars in profits for the April-September period.
It will be the company's first midterm profit since the nuclear accident in March 2011.
Profits rose due to an increase in electricity sales during this summer's record heat wave, as well as a rise in household rates in September of last year.
Koizumi, Yoshida agree on nuclear-free society:
Former prime minister of Japan Junichiro Koizumi and the leader of the opposition Social Democratic Party have agreed that the country should stop generating nuclear power.
SDP leader Tadatomo Yoshida, who assumed his post this month, met Koizumi in Tokyo on Tuesday.
Koizumi said continuing nuclear power generation would be irresponsible and impossible. He said the public cannot understand the policy of building nuclear waste disposal sites in the earthquake-prone country.
Former Leader of Japan: Fukushima disaster is "most severe accident in the history of mankind" — Top Regulator: Drastic steps needed due to growing problems at precarious plant
Tokyo Mother: "Total media blackout" in Japan of lots and lots of people developing symptoms related to Fukushima disaster (VIDEO) — "Many cases of sickness and death among young generations" not reported
Cesium near Fukushima reported to be many times higher than claimed by Tepco — Levels rising further away from plant — Professor: After quake as big as last week there's concern about stuff breaking and leakage getting worse
Tepco considers discharging Tritium to the Pacific after dilution
Cesium-134/137 detected from seawater near the outlet of plant drain outside of the port
Seawater fence of reactor5&6 cut off again
Tepco "Hope the youth to come to work in Fukushima plant" / "Aspiration" to work for Japan and the world
Tepco "The Olympics would cause the shortage of Fukushima workers" / No specific measures
A team of Japanese researchers says most of the radioactive cesium that was released from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and fell on forest soil remains there.
Researchers at the government-affiliated Japan Atomic Energy Agency installed monitoring equipment in woods of northern Ibaraki Prefecture, near Fukushima Prefecture, in May 2011, 2 months after the accident. They hoped to learn how the cesium moved from fallen leaves to soil.
The results of more than 2 years of research show that rain washed cesium off leaves 6 months after the accident, and that as the leaves decomposed, it moved to the surface of underlying soil.
Govt. to study paying part of decontamination cost
A Japanese Cabinet minister has suggested the government should bear part of the costs for clearing radioactive substances from the area around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
The central and local governments are currently conducting decontamination work and charging the costs to the plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company.
But TEPCO has asked the government to cover some of the massive expenses. Government and governing party officials are discussing the utility's request.
TEPCO likely to post mid-year profit
Tokyo Electric Power Company is likely to post a profit in its midterm earnings report.
The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is expected to post about 1.1 billion dollars in profits for the April-September period.
It will be the company's first midterm profit since the nuclear accident in March 2011.
Profits rose due to an increase in electricity sales during this summer's record heat wave, as well as a rise in household rates in September of last year.
Koizumi, Yoshida agree on nuclear-free society:
Former prime minister of Japan Junichiro Koizumi and the leader of the opposition Social Democratic Party have agreed that the country should stop generating nuclear power.
SDP leader Tadatomo Yoshida, who assumed his post this month, met Koizumi in Tokyo on Tuesday.
Koizumi said continuing nuclear power generation would be irresponsible and impossible. He said the public cannot understand the policy of building nuclear waste disposal sites in the earthquake-prone country.
Former Leader of Japan: Fukushima disaster is "most severe accident in the history of mankind" — Top Regulator: Drastic steps needed due to growing problems at precarious plant
Tokyo Mother: "Total media blackout" in Japan of lots and lots of people developing symptoms related to Fukushima disaster (VIDEO) — "Many cases of sickness and death among young generations" not reported
Cesium near Fukushima reported to be many times higher than claimed by Tepco — Levels rising further away from plant — Professor: After quake as big as last week there's concern about stuff breaking and leakage getting worse
Tepco considers discharging Tritium to the Pacific after dilution
Cesium-134/137 detected from seawater near the outlet of plant drain outside of the port
Seawater fence of reactor5&6 cut off again
Tepco "Hope the youth to come to work in Fukushima plant" / "Aspiration" to work for Japan and the world
Tepco "The Olympics would cause the shortage of Fukushima workers" / No specific measures
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