Meteor Lights Up Skies Over Alabama and Georgia
September 11, 2013
Image Source : NBC News
[ Watch The Video: Bright Meteor Captured Over Georgia/Tennessee ]Michael Harper for – Your Universe Online
A meteor the size of a baseball entered the Earth’s atmosphere last night, causing a fireball to blaze across the skies of Alabama and Georgia, and producing loud sonic booms. As is often the case, eyewitnesses and residents near Woodstock, Alabama, where the meteor passed overhead, took to Twitter to discover what had just happened over their state.
NASA has now confirmed the meteor, saying it flew into the atmosphere from the northwest at a speed of 76,000 miles per hour.
Because it was traveling so fast, the meteor broke up rapidly and disintegrated after spending only three seconds in our atmosphere. Eyewitnesses reported seeing a giant flash of green light as the meteor burned up in the sky, and pictures released today by NASA provide visual confirmation of the spectacular event.
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By Irene Klotz | Reuters – Tue, 10 Sep, 2013
CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - A baseball-sized meteor blasted over the
southeastern United States on Monday night, creating a bright streak of
light, a sonic boom and a ruckus on Twitter, officials said on Tuesday.[ Watch The Video: Bright Meteor Captured Over Georgia/Tennessee ]Michael Harper for – Your Universe Online
A meteor the size of a baseball entered the Earth’s atmosphere last night, causing a fireball to blaze across the skies of Alabama and Georgia, and producing loud sonic booms. As is often the case, eyewitnesses and residents near Woodstock, Alabama, where the meteor passed overhead, took to Twitter to discover what had just happened over their state.
NASA has now confirmed the meteor, saying it flew into the atmosphere from the northwest at a speed of 76,000 miles per hour.
Because it was traveling so fast, the meteor broke up rapidly and disintegrated after spending only three seconds in our atmosphere. Eyewitnesses reported seeing a giant flash of green light as the meteor burned up in the sky, and pictures released today by NASA provide visual confirmation of the spectacular event.
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Baseball-sized meteor blows up over Alabama
The meteor appeared at 9:18 p.m. EDT over Alabama, traveling at about 76,000 mph. It exploded 25 miles above Woodstock, Alabama, located about 30 miles from Birmingham.
"Objects of this size hit the Earth's atmosphere on a daily basis, but this one happened near Birmingham, which is a fairly decently sized city and lot of people saw it," Bill Cooke, head of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, told Reuters.
Many of the more than 180 eyewitness reports came from people attending a Mumford & Sons concert in Birmingham.
"This one wasn't at 2 in the morning, so a lot of people were out and about," Cooke said.
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