Published on Dec 14, 2013
'Unprecedented': China bans all
imports of shellfish from U.S. West Coast — Official: "They've never
done anything like that that I've ever seen" — Includes Washington,
Oregon, Alaska and N. California — Gov't says it will continue
indefinitely (AUDIO)
TEPCO releases findings on meltdown
The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says an early breakdown of a cooling system likely led to a meltdown at one of the facility's reactors after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
Tokyo Electric Power Company on Friday released its findings on the accident at the Number 3 reactor, in a follow-up to a study made public in June 2012.
The previous study said the meltdown began at about 10:40 AM on March 13th -- 2 days after the disaster.
The new report includes an analysis of how the accident started. It says readings of a gauge early that morning showed that water levels inside the reactor were low enough to expose part of its fuel.
The low levels indicate that an emergency cooling system had malfunctioned.
The report also says fire engines began injecting water soon after 9 AM that day, but that the measure may have been ineffective because of pipe leaks.
The firm says similar leaks occurred at the 2 other reactors at the plant that had meltdowns.
The utility plans to continue looking into why and how massive amounts of radioactive substances were released from the damaged reactors.
Fukushima towns asked to host waste storage
The Japanese government has officially asked communities near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant to host intermediate storage facilities for radioactive waste from the 2011 accident.
Environment Minister Nobuteru Ishihara and Reconstruction Minister Takumi Nemoto visited Fukushima Prefecture on Saturday.
The ministers asked Governor Yuhei Sato of Fukushima Prefecture and mayors of 3 towns -- Futaba, Okuma and Naraha -- to accept the construction plan.
Asahi: Radiation levels spike to record high in Fukushima groundwater well nearby ocean — Trench failures to blame, says Tepco — Million times more strontium/beta-ray source than cesium
Tepco: We should have told public this sooner... we failed to cool molten fuel after meltdowns began — Experts: Fukushima cesium release could be more than triple Chernobyl (PHOTO)
High level of contamination in gutter near reactor2 / Tepco doesn't mention the possibility of reactor2 leakage
Plant area dose to be 8.04 mSv/y due to the tanks / Tepco forced to choose "raise the area dose" or "discharge"
Scientists develop method to wash most radioactive cesium from farm soil
New plan a break from no-nuke goal, move toward realistic energy policy
NRC investigates shutdown at Exelon nuclear plant
NRC: Special inspection to probe cause of transformer failure, shutdown at Exelon plant
Nuclear weapons site police under investigation
Worker 'fell in' to radioactive slurry pit
Chinese media show Seattle as potential nuclear target
TEPCO releases findings on meltdown
The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says an early breakdown of a cooling system likely led to a meltdown at one of the facility's reactors after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
Tokyo Electric Power Company on Friday released its findings on the accident at the Number 3 reactor, in a follow-up to a study made public in June 2012.
The previous study said the meltdown began at about 10:40 AM on March 13th -- 2 days after the disaster.
The new report includes an analysis of how the accident started. It says readings of a gauge early that morning showed that water levels inside the reactor were low enough to expose part of its fuel.
The low levels indicate that an emergency cooling system had malfunctioned.
The report also says fire engines began injecting water soon after 9 AM that day, but that the measure may have been ineffective because of pipe leaks.
The firm says similar leaks occurred at the 2 other reactors at the plant that had meltdowns.
The utility plans to continue looking into why and how massive amounts of radioactive substances were released from the damaged reactors.
Fukushima towns asked to host waste storage
The Japanese government has officially asked communities near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant to host intermediate storage facilities for radioactive waste from the 2011 accident.
Environment Minister Nobuteru Ishihara and Reconstruction Minister Takumi Nemoto visited Fukushima Prefecture on Saturday.
The ministers asked Governor Yuhei Sato of Fukushima Prefecture and mayors of 3 towns -- Futaba, Okuma and Naraha -- to accept the construction plan.
Asahi: Radiation levels spike to record high in Fukushima groundwater well nearby ocean — Trench failures to blame, says Tepco — Million times more strontium/beta-ray source than cesium
Tepco: We should have told public this sooner... we failed to cool molten fuel after meltdowns began — Experts: Fukushima cesium release could be more than triple Chernobyl (PHOTO)
High level of contamination in gutter near reactor2 / Tepco doesn't mention the possibility of reactor2 leakage
Plant area dose to be 8.04 mSv/y due to the tanks / Tepco forced to choose "raise the area dose" or "discharge"
Scientists develop method to wash most radioactive cesium from farm soil
New plan a break from no-nuke goal, move toward realistic energy policy
NRC investigates shutdown at Exelon nuclear plant
NRC: Special inspection to probe cause of transformer failure, shutdown at Exelon plant
Nuclear weapons site police under investigation
Worker 'fell in' to radioactive slurry pit
Chinese media show Seattle as potential nuclear target
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