
Published on Dec 5, 2013
Role of Atomic Energy Commission to be changedAn expert panel reviewing the Japanese government's Atomic Energy Commission is set to recommend that it redefine its role in promoting the use of nuclear energy.
The 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster prompted the review of the role played by the commission for more than 50 years. The panel agreed this year that the commission should no longer set the country's nuclear policy.
The panel on Thursday compiled a draft set of recommendations, including that the number of commissioners be cut from the current 5 to 3.
The draft says that to ensure the commission's neutrality, its secretariat should not accept employees on loan from power utilities or nuclear plant makers. It recommends using personnel from universities and research institutes.
It also says the commission should handle limited tasks that require cross-ministry efforts, such as disposal of radioactive waste.
It also recommends that the commission confirm that nuclear technology is used only for peaceful purposes such as power generation and research.
The panel is expected to finalize its recommendations next Tuesday.
TEPCO prepares $28 billion investment plan
Tokyo Electric Power Company is planning to spend about 28 billion dollars over 10 years to improve its business performance.
The utility needs to increase profits in the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster to pay for the plant's decommissioning and compensate those affected.
The firm's new investment plan says it will rebuild and modernize thermal power plants more than 40 years old, mainly in the Tokyo Bay area.
The utility hopes to raise the thermal plants' efficiency, as it is expected to have to reduce its dependence on nuclear power.
And it plans to build facilities to handle shale gas imported from North America. The low-priced gas is expected to cut costs.
TEPCO will also invest in overseas gas development projects.
The investment plan is to be finalized this month.
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Posted on 5 de December de 2013by fernandocascais
In an interview with the Guardian, the man in charge of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has warned that a similar disaster could easily befall any of the world's nuclear power plants.
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