Published on Dec 16, 2013
IAEA demonstrates aerial radiation monitorThe International Atomic Energy Agency has demonstrated an unmanned aerial vehicle designed to measure radiation levels in areas too dangerous for humans to access.
The aircraft on Monday hovered over Fukushima City near the site of the 2011 nuclear accident.
TEPCO to cut power bills, restart nuclear plant
Tokyo Electric Power Company is drawing up a business plan to cut electricity rates by restarting all the reactors at a nuclear power plant in central Japan.
TEPCO raised the rates to cover its losses after the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in 2011. The increases averaged about 8.5 percent for households, and 17 percent for businesses.
But the plan TEPCO is drawing up includes reactivating all seven reactors at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant in Niigata Prefecture over the next several years.
Seabed contamination research to start on Monday
Researchers plan to investigate radioactive contamination in the seabed off the coast of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
This time, the research will cover about 700 kilometers, which is 5 times wider than the last test.
Japan Professor: Damage from Fukushima is unprecedented, a disaster never before experienced in human history; Some say it could affect whole northern hemisphere — Experts: "Very likely the largest nuclear accident which mankind experienced"
Jiji: No solution seen for Fukushima's radioactive water — Kyodo: Toxic ocean leakage to go on into 2020s — Experts: "High potential for marine life and human health effects through ingestion over generations"
Releasing Fukushima radioactive water into Pacific 'inevitable' — Reports: Japan very aware of danger posed by past releases; Contaminants are concentrated thousands of times in food chain; At end of chain are humans "who may suffer genetic damage, cancer, other health problems and even death"
Officials Worried: Radiation levels rise sharply in soil outside Fukushima — Cesium quadruples during past year
2.35 micro Sv/h, Toride city office, sand of the parking lot, Dec. 2013
Published on Dec 15, 2013 By Birdhairjp
Toride city : population 110,000 : 45 km, 28 miles from the center of Tokyo : 180 km, 112 miles from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
Asahi: Radiation levels spike to record high in Fukushima groundwater well nearby ocean — Trench failures to blame, says Tepco — Million times more strontium/beta-ray source than cesium
High level of contamination in gutter near reactor2 / Tepco doesn't mention the possibility of reactor2 leakage
Plant area dose to be 8.04 mSv/y due to the tanks / Tepco forced to choose "raise the area dose" or "discharge"
Scientists develop method to wash most radioactive cesium from farm soil
New plan a break from no-nuke goal, move toward realistic energy policy
Nuclear weapons site police under investigation
Worker 'fell in' to radioactive slurry pit
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