Published on Feb 14, 2014
Safety screening sought for Hamaoka reactor
Chubu Electric Power Company has applied for a safety screening for a nuclear reactor in central Japan. Such screenings are required for restarting reactors.
Executive Vice President Masatoshi Sakaguchi filed the application on Friday with the Nuclear Regulation Authority for the No.4 reactor at the Hamaoka plant in Shizuoka Prefecture. The plant has five reactors, two of which are shut down for decommissioning.
The Nagoya-based utility halted operations at the plant at the government's request after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
The Hamaoka plant is within the projected focal region of a mega-quake that experts have long warned about.
As for safety measures, the company has raised its estimate for the maximum ground acceleration caused by an earthquake by 1.5 times, to 1,200 gals. It is also building a 22-meter-high breakwater to protect the plant from tsunami.
Later on Friday, Sakaguchi told reporters that the utility will respond sincerely to any questions from authorities on safety measures. He added that the company will explain the safety of the plant to local residents.
The procedure is required to clear the government's new, stricter safety guidelines before the reactors can be reactivated.
All of Japan's 48 rectors are currently off-line. But 17 reactors at 10 nuclear power plants have submitted applications for inspections.
Officials: 'Hot' materials with 7 billion Bq/kg of cesium found 15 km from Fukushima plant — "Most likely" came from Unit 3 — Over 7,500 Bq/kg of Plutonium and Americium (PHOTOS)
Study: Fukushima airborne plumes "caused significant deposition of radioactivity over North America" — Especially for West Coast and eastern U.S. — Around 13% of all radioactive iodine released into atmosphere was deposited over USA and Canada (MAP)
TEPCO develops ultraprecise dosimeter
Since Chernobyl, Belarus has seen a sharp rise in birth defects.
"On my first trip, in November 2000, I spent three days touring schools in Cherikov and the even more contaminated areas of the Mogilev district. Then we traveled to children's hospitals in Minsk. What I saw there still shows up in nightmares: children with eyes in the sides of their heads, and children with no eyes at all, children with fingers that look like toes, and children whose genitals are so poorly formed one can't determine their sex. Those nightmares are audible with infant wails like the cries of wounded wild animals."
""COULD IT HAPPEN HERE?" I asked a nuclear engineer in Iowa shortly after September 11, 2001.
"Depends upon what you mean by 'it,'" he said. "It wouldn't be exactly like Chernobyl. But if you mean, would a disaster at an American plant something like the explosion at Chernobyl contaminate as much land, contaminate it with the same kinds of radioactivity—yeah, it could happen here."
Illicit nuclear trade a 'worsening problem'
Scientists will modernize technology of anti-radiation concrete shields
Map shows huge radiation spread from 1960s French nuclear tests
Chubu Electric Power Company has applied for a safety screening for a nuclear reactor in central Japan. Such screenings are required for restarting reactors.
Executive Vice President Masatoshi Sakaguchi filed the application on Friday with the Nuclear Regulation Authority for the No.4 reactor at the Hamaoka plant in Shizuoka Prefecture. The plant has five reactors, two of which are shut down for decommissioning.
The Nagoya-based utility halted operations at the plant at the government's request after the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
The Hamaoka plant is within the projected focal region of a mega-quake that experts have long warned about.
As for safety measures, the company has raised its estimate for the maximum ground acceleration caused by an earthquake by 1.5 times, to 1,200 gals. It is also building a 22-meter-high breakwater to protect the plant from tsunami.
Later on Friday, Sakaguchi told reporters that the utility will respond sincerely to any questions from authorities on safety measures. He added that the company will explain the safety of the plant to local residents.
The procedure is required to clear the government's new, stricter safety guidelines before the reactors can be reactivated.
All of Japan's 48 rectors are currently off-line. But 17 reactors at 10 nuclear power plants have submitted applications for inspections.
Officials: 'Hot' materials with 7 billion Bq/kg of cesium found 15 km from Fukushima plant — "Most likely" came from Unit 3 — Over 7,500 Bq/kg of Plutonium and Americium (PHOTOS)
Study: Fukushima airborne plumes "caused significant deposition of radioactivity over North America" — Especially for West Coast and eastern U.S. — Around 13% of all radioactive iodine released into atmosphere was deposited over USA and Canada (MAP)
TEPCO develops ultraprecise dosimeter
Since Chernobyl, Belarus has seen a sharp rise in birth defects.
"On my first trip, in November 2000, I spent three days touring schools in Cherikov and the even more contaminated areas of the Mogilev district. Then we traveled to children's hospitals in Minsk. What I saw there still shows up in nightmares: children with eyes in the sides of their heads, and children with no eyes at all, children with fingers that look like toes, and children whose genitals are so poorly formed one can't determine their sex. Those nightmares are audible with infant wails like the cries of wounded wild animals."
""COULD IT HAPPEN HERE?" I asked a nuclear engineer in Iowa shortly after September 11, 2001.
"Depends upon what you mean by 'it,'" he said. "It wouldn't be exactly like Chernobyl. But if you mean, would a disaster at an American plant something like the explosion at Chernobyl contaminate as much land, contaminate it with the same kinds of radioactivity—yeah, it could happen here."
Illicit nuclear trade a 'worsening problem'
Scientists will modernize technology of anti-radiation concrete shields
Map shows huge radiation spread from 1960s French nuclear tests
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