Published on Feb 16, 2014
Video -- Cousteau warns Californians about Fukushima plume: It could be
dangerous, keeping eye on reports; I'm not touching bluefin tuna, I'm
done due to pollution — Leaders "worried about radiation... personally
reluctant to eat fish"; Calling for systematic tests in Pacific
Water leaks from barrier found at Fukushima planthttp://enenews.com/cousteau-warns-cal...
The operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant says officials have found water leaks at 7 locations in a barrier that surrounds tanks holding contaminated water.
Tokyo Electric Power Company officials said they confirmed on Sunday that water had leaked from the barrier near the Number 4 reactor. It's one of 30 barriers in the compound.
The officials said the amount of the leak was about 19.2 tons, which they believe seeped into the ground.
They detected 23 becquerels per liter of radioactive strontium 90 in water still inside the barrier.
Decontamination at over 50% outside Fukushima
Officials at Japan's Environment Ministry say more than 50 percent of homes outside Fukushima Prefecture have undergone government-funded decontamination following the March 2011 nuclear accident.
The officials say the work was done on nearly 80,000 homes at the end of last year.
The figure represents 59 percent of homes marked for decontamination in 58 municipalities.
The number is more than 13,000 higher from the previous survey 4 months earlier. The rate has exceeded 50 percent for the first time. The rise is attributed to increased clean-up efforts.
Officials say the increase was partly because more homes were found not to have needed decontamination after radiation monitoring was conducted.
Motegi to submit draft energy plan next week
The policy chief of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party says the government hopes to decide on a new basic energy plan by the end of March.
Japan Physician: Parents should evacuate children from Tokyo; Danger from Fukushima radiation — "The threat has seemed to be spreading" — "I've seen a lot of patients badly affected"
TEPCO labor union wants utility to drop 20% salary cut
Gov't Report: Plutonium releases from Fukushima a major concern — 'Uncertainty' over how far molten fuel has eaten through "what remained of primary containment"
Reports: 'Deformed' containment vessel cover at Fukushima Reactor 3 — Center panel of concrete cover 'broken and sunken' (PHOTOS & VIDEO)
Gov't Test: Cattle feed at California dairy farm had 300 pCi/kg of radioactive cesium after Fukushima; 9-month gap between when sample harvested and when received by lab — New UC Berkeley study reveals over 3,500 pCi/kg of cesium deposited on nearby roadside
Tepco's spokesman "I have distrust in Tepco itself for not announcing the wrong analysis for this long"
[Video] Tepco investigated operation floor of reactor3 / Shield plug subsided by 30cm
Tepco aware of wrong analysis by 7/24/2013 / 2 days after they officially admitted contamination leaking to the sea
Davis-Besse nuclear plant has gap in concrete wall
Former Rocky Flats workers' job-related cancers subject of two events
We must work together to prevent disaster at N-plant
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