Published on Jan 31, 2014
Strontium absorbent to be tested in Fukushima
Workers at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are trying to contain leaked and leaking radioactive wastewater in the site. They are using various approaches.
As part of their efforts, they will examine how much an absorbent material placed underground can remove radioactive strontium from leaked wastewater.
The plant has seen a string of radioactive water leaks from storage tanks starting last August. Workers have taken countermeasures, including removing soil from around the tanks. But high levels of radioactivity were detected in groundwater near a tank that leaked large amounts of radioactive water.
TEPCO to look for more leaks at Fukushima reactor
The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is slowly finding out more about the damage at one of the reactor containment vessels. The destruction was caused by 2011 accident.
To cool molten nuclear fuel in their containment vessels the operator is injecting water into the No.1 to 3 reactors. Because the circulation system was destroyed by the accident the water is leaking from the vessels and pooling in the reactor and other connected buildings.
The engineers are investigating leaks in a number of places in the containment vessel that houses the core at the No.1 reactor.
TEPCO to lower radiation levels at plant perimeter
Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority has urged the operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi plant to lower radiation levels at the plant's perimeter.
Radiation levels measured at some locations were more than 8 millisieverts on an annual basis. The reading is 8 times the limit of 1 millisieverts per year set by the authority.
The levels rose as the number of storage tanks for radioactive water at the plant increased and additional ones were placed near the perimeter.
Nuclear Engineer: Even worse news at Fukushima plant — Radioactive water has formed pathway and is flowing straight into Pacific Ocean (AUDIO)
County officials in California approve action on Fukushima: "An international crisis of epic proportions" — Monitoring and testing requested for West Coast
Kyodo: Robot data reveals hole in Unit 2 suspected to be almost 10 square cm; Highly radioactive water draining out bottom of containment vessel — Tepco model shows molten fuel barely underwater — Temperature irregulaties started earlier this month (GRAPHIC)
NHK broadcaster quits in protest over nuclear issues — Professor censored after 20 years on air — Was to reveal 'extraordinarily high' damages — Newly installed NHK chief 'enthusiastic' to help spread gov't messages to audience
NYTimes: Widespread public distrust of NHK over Fukushima radiation cover-up — Reports: President's resignation last month related to coverage of nuclear issues — Former NHK employees speak out: "Gross political interference"
BBC: Ukraine "on brink of civil war" — Gov't: Threats to blow up nuclear plants; Facilities on high alert after seizure of energy ministry (VIDEO)
Coolant water injection system of reactor1 has a trouble / Reactor1 might lose the coolant system suddenly
Evidence to prove reactor2 also possibly exploded in 311 was found / Hole on suppression chamber
Hundreds file lawsuit against makers of Fukushima nuclear plant
Boxer: 'Unacceptable delay' in U.S. Fukushima response
Debris hinders decommissioning work at Fukushima nuclear plant
Workers at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are trying to contain leaked and leaking radioactive wastewater in the site. They are using various approaches.
As part of their efforts, they will examine how much an absorbent material placed underground can remove radioactive strontium from leaked wastewater.
The plant has seen a string of radioactive water leaks from storage tanks starting last August. Workers have taken countermeasures, including removing soil from around the tanks. But high levels of radioactivity were detected in groundwater near a tank that leaked large amounts of radioactive water.
TEPCO to look for more leaks at Fukushima reactor
The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is slowly finding out more about the damage at one of the reactor containment vessels. The destruction was caused by 2011 accident.
To cool molten nuclear fuel in their containment vessels the operator is injecting water into the No.1 to 3 reactors. Because the circulation system was destroyed by the accident the water is leaking from the vessels and pooling in the reactor and other connected buildings.
The engineers are investigating leaks in a number of places in the containment vessel that houses the core at the No.1 reactor.
TEPCO to lower radiation levels at plant perimeter
Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority has urged the operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi plant to lower radiation levels at the plant's perimeter.
Radiation levels measured at some locations were more than 8 millisieverts on an annual basis. The reading is 8 times the limit of 1 millisieverts per year set by the authority.
The levels rose as the number of storage tanks for radioactive water at the plant increased and additional ones were placed near the perimeter.
Nuclear Engineer: Even worse news at Fukushima plant — Radioactive water has formed pathway and is flowing straight into Pacific Ocean (AUDIO)
County officials in California approve action on Fukushima: "An international crisis of epic proportions" — Monitoring and testing requested for West Coast
Kyodo: Robot data reveals hole in Unit 2 suspected to be almost 10 square cm; Highly radioactive water draining out bottom of containment vessel — Tepco model shows molten fuel barely underwater — Temperature irregulaties started earlier this month (GRAPHIC)
NHK broadcaster quits in protest over nuclear issues — Professor censored after 20 years on air — Was to reveal 'extraordinarily high' damages — Newly installed NHK chief 'enthusiastic' to help spread gov't messages to audience
NYTimes: Widespread public distrust of NHK over Fukushima radiation cover-up — Reports: President's resignation last month related to coverage of nuclear issues — Former NHK employees speak out: "Gross political interference"
BBC: Ukraine "on brink of civil war" — Gov't: Threats to blow up nuclear plants; Facilities on high alert after seizure of energy ministry (VIDEO)
Coolant water injection system of reactor1 has a trouble / Reactor1 might lose the coolant system suddenly
Evidence to prove reactor2 also possibly exploded in 311 was found / Hole on suppression chamber
Hundreds file lawsuit against makers of Fukushima nuclear plant
Boxer: 'Unacceptable delay' in U.S. Fukushima response
Debris hinders decommissioning work at Fukushima nuclear plant
Published on Jan 8, 2014
Authorities continue to downplay threat. http://www.infowars.com/professor-den... .....
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