Published on Mar 25, 2014
ALPS resumes partial operation after 6-day halt
Tokyo Electric Power Company has restarted a key water decontamination system at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant after a 6-day suspension.
TEPCO resumed operations at 2 of the 3 lines of the Advanced Liquid Processing System, or ALPS, on Monday.
ALPS is said to remove almost all types of radioactive materials from wastewater. This is crucial equipment in dealing with the massive volume of radioactive water.
Fukushima water treatment system down again
Tokyo Electric Power Company has shut down a key water treatment system at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant only 6 hours after a restart.
TEPCO suspended the Advanced Liquid Processing System, or ALPS, on Monday as workers found water leaking from one of the storage tanks.
The system was developed to sharply reduce radiation levels of highly toxic water accumulating at the plant. Experts expect it to play a crucial role in dealing with huge amounts of radioactive water.
Fukushima fishermen to accept water release plan
A fisheries cooperative near the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has decided to conditionally allow a scheme to release groundwater into the sea, bypassing the facility.
Monday's decision by the Somafutaba fisheries cooperative will be formally approved at a meeting of the regional Fukushima Prefectural Fisheries Cooperative on Tuesday.
The plan to have the groundwater bypass the facility was proposed by the government and Tokyo Electric Power Company as a way to reduce the volume of radioactive wastewater.
Govt. to consider accepting immigrants
The Japanese government says a newly established panel will discuss not only raising the country's birthrate, but whether to accept more immigrants for the labor shortage.
Huge conveyor belt to raise ground levels in Iwate
A city devastated in the March 2011 disaster has begun moving huge volumes of soil and sand on a giant conveyor belt. The work is part of a project to raise the elevation of its urban core to a safer height above sea level.
Top-rated Host of Top Talk Show Fired — Staff and higher-ups objected to me talking about Fukushima — "I mentioned Fukushima every chance I got" despite that (AUDIO)
Caldicott: Fukushima to be pouring radioactive water into Pacific "probably for the rest of time... forever more" — "There's simply nothing anyone can do about it" — "Nuclear industry is covering it up because they know if truth comes out it will be end of nuclear power" (AUDIO)
PBS Reporter: "The whole world needs to pay attention" to what's going on at Fukushima — "Magnitude of mess is actually staggering" — "We really don't know how they're going to clean it up" — "Reminds me of the cartoon Fantasia" (VIDEO)
Video: "Pacific Ocean is under incredible threat... Americans are now starting to reap that on their West Coast" — Kamps: "An unprecedented catastrophe... should be independent monitors sent to Fukushima to try to get the truth as to how bad this is"
"Radiation leaks could still be occurring" at WIPP — Locals worried since "no one knows anything" — Workers to use "military-like tactics... ready to risk everything" — "Event has changed WIPP" — "Life as we knew it is going to be different"
Radiation Leak at New Mexico Nuclear Waste Storage Site Highlights Problems
The WIPP problem, and what it means for defense nuclear waste disposal
WIPP: Radiation leak investigation is a 'balance of risks'
Some highly enriched uranium stored in places 'without armed guards'
Tokyo Electric Power Company has restarted a key water decontamination system at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant after a 6-day suspension.
TEPCO resumed operations at 2 of the 3 lines of the Advanced Liquid Processing System, or ALPS, on Monday.
ALPS is said to remove almost all types of radioactive materials from wastewater. This is crucial equipment in dealing with the massive volume of radioactive water.
Fukushima water treatment system down again
Tokyo Electric Power Company has shut down a key water treatment system at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant only 6 hours after a restart.
TEPCO suspended the Advanced Liquid Processing System, or ALPS, on Monday as workers found water leaking from one of the storage tanks.
The system was developed to sharply reduce radiation levels of highly toxic water accumulating at the plant. Experts expect it to play a crucial role in dealing with huge amounts of radioactive water.
Fukushima fishermen to accept water release plan
A fisheries cooperative near the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has decided to conditionally allow a scheme to release groundwater into the sea, bypassing the facility.
Monday's decision by the Somafutaba fisheries cooperative will be formally approved at a meeting of the regional Fukushima Prefectural Fisheries Cooperative on Tuesday.
The plan to have the groundwater bypass the facility was proposed by the government and Tokyo Electric Power Company as a way to reduce the volume of radioactive wastewater.
Govt. to consider accepting immigrants
The Japanese government says a newly established panel will discuss not only raising the country's birthrate, but whether to accept more immigrants for the labor shortage.
Huge conveyor belt to raise ground levels in Iwate
A city devastated in the March 2011 disaster has begun moving huge volumes of soil and sand on a giant conveyor belt. The work is part of a project to raise the elevation of its urban core to a safer height above sea level.
Top-rated Host of Top Talk Show Fired — Staff and higher-ups objected to me talking about Fukushima — "I mentioned Fukushima every chance I got" despite that (AUDIO)
Caldicott: Fukushima to be pouring radioactive water into Pacific "probably for the rest of time... forever more" — "There's simply nothing anyone can do about it" — "Nuclear industry is covering it up because they know if truth comes out it will be end of nuclear power" (AUDIO)
PBS Reporter: "The whole world needs to pay attention" to what's going on at Fukushima — "Magnitude of mess is actually staggering" — "We really don't know how they're going to clean it up" — "Reminds me of the cartoon Fantasia" (VIDEO)
Video: "Pacific Ocean is under incredible threat... Americans are now starting to reap that on their West Coast" — Kamps: "An unprecedented catastrophe... should be independent monitors sent to Fukushima to try to get the truth as to how bad this is"
"Radiation leaks could still be occurring" at WIPP — Locals worried since "no one knows anything" — Workers to use "military-like tactics... ready to risk everything" — "Event has changed WIPP" — "Life as we knew it is going to be different"
Radiation Leak at New Mexico Nuclear Waste Storage Site Highlights Problems
The WIPP problem, and what it means for defense nuclear waste disposal
WIPP: Radiation leak investigation is a 'balance of risks'
Some highly enriched uranium stored in places 'without armed guards'
Japan Stops Treating Radioactive Water
Can It Ever be Treated? Is it even Possible?
… by Bob Nichols
(San Francisco) It is time to call it what it is: It’s a Scam. It’s a Con Job. There is no solution, never was and never will be. That’s the whole Con and you, like most people, probably fell for the notion hook, line and sinker that radioactivity can be removed from water.
Keep in mind that these pro-nuker monsters are including killing You to fulfill their sick plan for the Good Life for themselves. You croaking is just accepted as part of the Requirements – not a problem for the pro-nukers.
Fukushima world update
Japan decided to stop treating radioactive water at the Fukushima reactors; it was announced on Mar 18, 2014 through it’s electrical subsidiary TEPCO, the Tokyo Electric Power Company.The Japanese government had previously announced that as much as 264,172 US Gallons of water a day flow through the derelict reactors and their abandoned reactor cores, then flows unhindered into the Pacific Ocean. That’s 5.2 Trillion Radioactive Drops of water a day poisoning the oceans, not than anybody is counting.
The fish in the Oceans, of course, absorb or eat the radioactive particles. The radioactive particles poison the fish and concentrate the poison as much as 1,000 Times more in the fish than in the water. Humans that eat the radioactive fish get a permanent case of radiation poisoning; it will probably kill them.
Around the world about two billion people (2,000,000,000 people) live on fish and other now radioactive products from the sea. As these people get progressively more severe radiation poisoning they will get sicker and die before their God given time is up.
These two billion people are not expected to die quietly and without some fuss. Food riots and so-called “civil unrest” are anticipated. Government propaganda outlets like the New York Times can be expected to gloss over the increased death rates as “natural” and as “something they ate.”
From a certain sick point of view, the radiation in the fish they ate that killed them was “something they ate.” Their “shortened life span” was entirely Unnatural and completely man made by pro-nukers. That is how the pro-nukers get away with “random premeditated murder,” normally a Capital Crime; which means it is punishable by the Death Penalty.
Governments will employ whatever means are necessary, including lethal force, to maintain a civil tone and public decorum. The government and corporate slugs that brought us this horror can thank their lucky stars the dying fish eating people don’t have much money to buy influence and their passing will not be televised.
Also, they are also mostly not White. They will just be – gone. Others, still living, will be thankful they are still alive.
The Times and other establishment “outlets” will interview scores of scientists on the issue who will say they are “befuddled,” amazed,” “surprised,” “stunned” and they “don’t know the cause.”
Is it possible to remove radioactivity from water?
Read More Here
Published on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 by Common Dreams
Riddled with problems since the beginning, TEPCO has called this system "key" to its clean-up strategy

According to TEPCO, the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) — designed to decontaminate the water used to cool melted reactors — was turned off after leaks were discovered by workers Monday night, Al Jazeera America reports.
At the time of the suspension, the cleaning system had just been restarted after being shut down for nearly a week, due to a glitch, Jiji news network reports. Just one example of the highly-criticized clean-up operation, this system has worked inconsisently since operations began a year ago, AFP reports.
The latest shutdown is a major blow to TEPCO's stated strategy, which "regards ALPS as a key facility to deal with contaminated water at the plant," according to Jiji.
The incident comes as the facility continues to produce huge volumes of radioactive water, with 436,000 cubic meters of contaminated water currently being stored in approximately 1,200 tanks — an amount that is constantly growing, according to AFP.
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