Monday, August 26, 2013

Biological Hazard - MultiStates, [States of Virginia and New Jersey coastal region] : UPDATE Dolphin Deaths

Earth Watch Report  -  Biological Hazards  -  Mass Animal Die Off (Dolphins)

More than 250 of them -- dead or dying -- have washed up on beaches over the past two months.
More than 250 of them -- dead or dying -- have washed up on beaches over the past two months.
/ CBS News
24.08.2013Biological HazardUSAMultiStates, [States of Virginia and New Jersey coastal region]Damage level Details
Biological Hazard in USA on Tuesday, 06 August, 2013 at 09:06 (09:06 AM) UTC.
Updated:Saturday, 24 August, 2013 at 04:11 UTC
This has been a very bad summer for dolphins along the East Coast. More than 250 of them -- dead or dying -- have washed up on beaches over the past two months, and no one is quite sure why. The first dead dolphins washed up in New Jersey and Virginia in June. Since then more have been found in Maryland and New York. Biologist Kim Durham's rescue team has recovered 27 dead dolphins. Durham doesn't know why it's happening. "When we were doing examinations, we would find they were very skinny animals," she says. "They were compromised animals. Some of them had skin lesions -- they were just very sick individuals." Marine biologists believe the dolphins could be suffering from a bacterial or viral infection with symptoms that resemble measles. It was a virus that killed nearly 750 dolphins from New York to Florida in the late '80s. Charles Potter studied that epidemic. He's a marine mammal biologist at the Smithsonian. He believes pollution could be weakening the dolphins' immune system. "As the animals migrate south, passing back through Virginia and are going down to the Carolinas, if this event follows what we saw in 1987, we can expect the epicenter of the epidemic to move south with the dolphins," Potter says. Late Friday, another dolphin was found dead on the Jersey Shore.
(CBS News) RIVERHEAD, N.Y. -- This has been a very bad summer for dolphins along the East Coast. More than 250 of them -- dead or dying -- have washed up on beaches over the past two months, and no one is quite sure why.
More than 250 of them -- dead or dying -- have washed up on beaches over the past two months.
More than 250 of them -- dead or dying -- have washed up on beaches over the past two months.
/ CBS News
The first dead dolphins washed up in New Jersey and Virginia in June. Since then more have been found in Maryland and New York. Biologist Kim Durham's rescue team has recovered 27 dead dolphins.
Durham doesn't know why it's happening.
"When we were doing examinations, we would find they were very skinny animals," she says. "They were compromised animals. Some of them had skin lesions -- they were just very sick individuals."
Marine biologists believe the dolphins could be suffering from a bacterial or viral infection with symptoms that resemble measles.

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